

Re-Invitation for Quotation for the Supplier Production of Short Video: 20 minutes Success Stories – LEAP in Good Practice


ទីតាំង : ភ្នំពេញ
ប្រភេទការងារ : Full Time
កាលបរិច្ឆេទផ្សាយ : Nov 23, 2022
បិទកាលបរិច្ឆេទ : Dec 02, 2022
ចំនួនចង់បាន : 1


The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) through the Ministry of Economy and Finance has received a Credit from International Development Associate (IDA) to fund the Livelihood Enhancement and Association of the Poor (LEAP) Project. The project is a 5- year funded by the World Bank with IDA Credit number 5960-KH with the project code P153591. The project has a total budget of SDR 15,100,000, approximately USD 20,170,000 and became effective on May 26, 2017 and has a closing date of November 30, 2022. The project development objective (PDO) is to improve access of poor and vulnerable households in selected communities to financial services, opportunities for generating income, and small-scale infrastructure, and to provide immediate and effective response in case of an eligible crisis or emergency. This would be achieved through the: (a) establishment of self-help groups (SHGs), savings and credit groups, producer groups, agricultural cooperatives and other peoples groups/organizations; (b) provision of capacity building and training to beneficiaries to improve their income generation opportunities; (c) establishment of private sector linkages to improve and expand market opportunities; and (d) identification and provision of community-based social and economic infrastructure to help improve livelihood and economic productivity of the poor.


Re-Invitation for Quotation

1. The Livelihood Enhancement& Association of the Poor (LEAP), Project Coordination Office, Ministry of Interior hereinafter called “The Purchaser” now invites sealed quotations from eligible Suppliers hereinafter called “The Supplier” Production of Short Video: “20 minutes Success Stories – LEAP in Good Practice”. The quantity and description of all the goods to be supplied and related services and the delivery place & schedule are listed in Annex C: Quotation Price Schedule.

2. The quotation should be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked in capital letters:

3. The envelopes should be delivered before 3.00pm, 2 December 2022 to the following office:

Ministry of Interior’s Department of Integrity and Governance (DIG), Room Training 2, 2nd Floor, #275, Preah Norodom Boulevard, Tonle Bassac, Chamkamon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Attention: Mr. Heanh Bunna,
Chief of Procurement Unit, LEAP,
Phone: (855) 23 72 63 64/012 50 47 11
Email: [email protected]

4. The quotation shall remain valid 30 days after the Deadline for Submission.

We are looking forward to receiving your complete and responsive quotation before the time limit stipulated above and, in the manner, described in Annex A: Instruction to Bidders.
